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A Dream Job, right?

"I am not a quitter, but ..." Everyone has a bad day at work. Right? It does not really matter whether you are a baker, a butcher, a candlestick maker or - as in my case a PR consultant. Once a blue moon everyone leaves their office cursing like a sailor - because the boss was extra-bitchy, the clients were even more challenging than usual or simply because the new computers decided not to function properly that day. But sometimes it is more than that. More than the usual drag and your gut tells you - more like screams at you - to put in your 2-weeks-notice. Granted I work in a competitive industry and my job requires a broad set of skills. It doesn't just take a university degree. In order to become successful you need to be an excellent communicator and a good researcher, an engaging writer and a creative outside-of-the-box thinker. Those are the bare facts everybody always stresses in job interviews, online or even in the mostly boring how-to-become-a-suc...

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