Short Story - All the time he had not known he cared

Not a Happy Ending

It was one of those great love stories, like Romeo and Juliet, like Rick and Miss Elsa, like Rhett and Scarlet. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, a love so strong to overcome all obstacles only the happily ever after never came. That was the dream, reality broke and hurt them threw them back together only to tear them apart anew. Fate taught them both the valuable lesson, that love was not enough outside of the fairy tales. That love was never enough, so Liam Hamilton caved to his parents’ wishes. He was not Romeo who gave his live in this world to become reunited with his soul mate in the next. He was not Rick who selflessly let the love of his life go for the greater good. He was not Rhett who waited years to finally possess the woman haunting his existence. He was Liam Hamilton who stared at his reflection in the mirror. The tailored dinner jacket fit him perfectly, his bow tie was already in place, his custom made Italian shoes shone brightly on the morning of is wedding day. Yet the groom’s mood seemed sombre even to his friends. Darkness had claimed him again and his bride-to-be could do nothing to alleviate the mood this time. Closing his eyes Liam took a deep calming breath; he knew what was to come. The Gilberts’ line ran back to Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower and so did their fortune. They had a daughter married to a senator and a granddaughter who was about Liam’s age. His mother was hyper-excited about the prospect of such a suitable match.

Once upon a time six years ago in a far far away land, a kingdom of democracy a young prince enjoyed his life of leisure surrounded by beautiful girls. He could take his pick much like grapevines of who would share his time and bed for the shortest spell of time. In his young life the heir to the throne of the newspaper empire his father and grandfather had built he had everything at the tip of his fingers. Eighteen years with an American Express Black card could do that to you. Liam Hamilton was born into the privileged life of a society kid whose parents preferred to travel while the nanny raised their offspring. He was a rebellious youth, partying, drinking with his friends; no school could keep him for longer than a year. He was considered an embarrassment to his family who had to be brought to the heel at all cost .so he was shipped off to boarding school across the ocean, away form Hartford society.
At first it seemed like every other school. His father, Michael Hamilton had made a substantial contribution, a stipulation for the headmaster to accept the unruly boy among the ranks of the elite thus financing the Hamilton wing of the new school library. While the girls loved the blond playboy, the boys wanted to be just like him.
No surprises there, he thought. It was a cold November morning, pristine white snow covered the school grounds as Liam Hamilton wove his way through the student masses on his way form the science building to the cafeteria. His father had rung him up at three o’clock in the morning to kindly remind him that he was expected to follow the cordial invitation of Emilia and Richard Gilbert and attend their Christmas party six weeks form today. Liam would be flown in, the headmaster had already been informed closing both eyes not even frowning at the extra treatment the Hamiltons seemed to expect form the educational body.
The bell rang and he was already late but on this particular day he couldn’t really bring himself to care. Quite abruptly he turned and marched back towards the dorms. Opening the door more forcefully than he intended he felt rather than heard a shriek tearing the air, something heavy tumbled to the floor. His eyes snapped open and focused on a petite brunette covered in a brown liquid dripping from light blue blouse. She stood frozen for a long moment before fixing the culprit with a murderous glare.
“Great, my morning just got better”, she barked sarcastically leaning down to pile several books that were strewn all over the foyer neatly back into a cardboard box.
“Here let me give you a hand”, Liam offered apologetically.
“Thanks I got it form here”, she said slapping his hands out of the way, “just a tip for the future maybe, just maybe you should give everyone around you a heads up if you come barging into a room.”
“Look, I am sorry. It’s not like I caused the apocalypse or something”, Liam answered trying to hold his own temper. The girl about to leave turned around to face him again.
“Who do you think you are?”, she asked, annoyance creeping into her voice, “do the rules of polite society not exist in your dimension or are you just to dense to follow them.” It was then Liam mustered her form head to toe. He could not remember anyone who would dare to speak to him so derisively. It must be ignorance, Liam surmised but she had to have at least heard of him. The arrival of every new society brat tended to stir rumours among but usually at the very least excitement about the novelty usually calmed down after a few weeks. Liam’s status as American royalty, his good looks and his reputation that he had his way with every female on and off campus were a lethal combination.
“My name is Liam Hamilton, at your service my lady”; he answered mellifluously and completely unfazed by the tone of her voice.
“Well, kind Sir”, she retorted adopting his singsong intonation, “I am quite certain that I am no damsel in distress that needs saving. So the only service I require of you is to crawl back to your courtiers and leave me the hell alone.”
“Angry really works for you”, he said a mischievous smirk brightening his features.
“First of all you don’t know me. Second of all, I don’t particularly care for you to get to know me”, came her nonchalant retort.
“You wound me deeply. Here I thought we were getting along so well”, Liam countered.
“You need to work on your observation skills, you are seriously lacking in that department, but I guess even a Liam Hamilton is not perfect after all”, she smiled evilly.
“I knew it. Of course you heard of me”, his lips twisted into an amused smirk not even trying to hide his satisfaction.
“Of course, you are just another creature form hell”, came her prompt rebuttal.
“Well I’ve never considered myself the spawn of Satan but now that you mention it”, he paused seemingly pensive, “you’ve got a point there.” All traces of good humour gone. The superior smirk wiped form his face left a rather blanc look on his features. The mischievous twinkle went out and was replaced by a sombre dullness, his chocolate brown eyes seemed empty, distant and for a moment the girl got a glimpse at the real Liam Hamilton beneath the façade before he could gain a hold of his emotions again. “I am sorry not just for the books but for your coffee. Please allow me to at least try and make amends”; he said sincerely. She took in his tone of voice, his tentative smile and the almost pleading sincerity in his eyes. It made her pause in her rant. Mentally she went over the conversation again storing it away for further inspection at a later point in time.
”Me too, I am sorry I should not have let my temper get the better of me”, she finally offered, “how about we start form the beginning. My name is Lily. And since I don’t care too much for last names you are Liam. Just Liam my new acquaintance.”
At that he had to smile.
Just Liam was something no one, neither his parents nor his friends, wanted him to be. Fact is he had never met anyone who downright demanded him to be himself. It was strange but strangely exhilarating and new at the same time. For a boy easily bored by the prospect of his life who really had it all, this new development could at least be a pleasant divertissement if not an entertainingly meaningful pursuit.
“You are very odd”, he finally said offering her a genuine smile.
“Thank you”; and she meant it.
After that rather tumultuous first meeting Lily had a hard time resisting the uncanny charms of her new acquaintance, underestimating her own susceptibility. While she would never admit it, she found herself drawn to the gentlemanly bad-boy with the cocky attitude. Even that rebel with the American Express black card searched his own heart tentatively only to admit his tender feelings for the blue-eyed brunette in the privacy of his own mind. Sometimes in unguarded moments he might even go as far as to acknowledge a downright admiration for her moxie. With a new established friendship between both teens the following 42 days were a blur of activity. They fell into a comfortable routine outside of class schedules and study hours. Their coffee break was affectionately dubbed Early-Greys since Lily downright refused to have anything but her favourite black tee. And Liam was no one to deny her this addiction. He would complain about his sordid relationship with his father. She would listen, and for once not judge, never wary of quoting Gatsby. Liam sometimes had the distinct impression she envied him, not in a bad way, little things did force him to really look at the girl he called his friend. She was here on a scholarship, her mother was an artist, her father was a designer of sorts; Lily very had been very reluctant to divulged information about her family or in general about her life outside of the hallowed halls of their boarding school. With the parental divorce her father became a virtual stranger who never participated in his daughter’s life. Most of her childhood she lived with her mum in small town Germany before she put her foot down, as Lily liked to describe it, and got accepted to the prestigious preparatory school, leaving her mother and her grandparents behind.

With Lily by his side the prospect of making the trip across the ocean and back did not seem as bleak as before, he knew he had a real friend to return to. When Liam set foot on US soil for the last time that year he immediately wished he could turn around and board another plane back to Germany - anywhere really. James, the chauffeur, was waiting for him ready to take him back to the house of horrors where he’d spent most of his childhood. Think positive, he repeated his mantra time and time again in his mind. “Good afternoon, Sir. You had a pleasant flight?”, James, asked as he opened the back door. “Thank you, James. The flight was long, unfortunately but now that I am here. I am sure my vacation is off to a fabulous start”, Liam’s attempt at sarcasm was rewarded with a lazy smile. “I am sure, Sir”, James commented dryly. “So, old friend, what is on the itinerary for the next few days”, Liam asked hiding his growing boredom behind his cordially polite society mask of the rascal in Armani. “Your father informed me to take you straight back to Hartford”, James divulged almost reluctantly. The entire Hamilton household knew about the almost legendary fights between father and son. “Go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200”, Liam murmured, a little louder he amended, “so it starts tonight or do I have time to unpack before I’ll be thrown to the wolves?” James’ took a quick look into the rear view mirror, silently telling his young passenger that he won’t have a minute of respite. “Your father requested my services be available tonight for you, Sir. I believe the annual Christmas Party at the Gilbert mansion is tonight”, James finally answered. Following Liam’s instructions, the chauffeur took the car to the back of the house, where Liam could get into his own sanctuary undetected. Or so he thought. He mother was already waiting for him, a new tuxedo and a crisp white dress shirt already placed on his bed with a box of highly polished patent leather Oxfords. Dress code for a formal dinner party, where his mother would push him into the waiting arms of another mindless blond, whose IQ did little to rival Paris Hilton’s comparatively smart and witty remarks. It was the golden opportunity for all neighbours to publicly view prospective candidates for their daughters who had been bred to catch a handsome and wealthy husband, keep up the family name and enhance the family fortune, smile prettily and stay quiet. In that sense despite having landed on American soil before Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy were created, his social circle seemed to judge the world in Austinian terms about the truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. Liam knew quite well what was expected of him. His entire life had been mapped out from the moment he was born. While most people would probably kill to have his privileges and money, they were ignorant of the obligations and duties that came with the family name.
“Liam, darling, there you are”, his mother had her society smile firmly in place, dragging another poor soul with her. “I would like for you to meet Emilia’s and Richard’s grand-daughter. She goes to Lafayette Preparatory School and she wants to become a writer. Isn’t that great?” Lia was a tall brunette, slim with beautiful ocean blue eyes one could drown in. She smiled shyly at him offering him a formal society greeting after his mother had disappeared back into the crowd.
“I am sorry, my grandparents seem to think that I need to marry right out of high school”, she said.
“Don’t be, I know the feeling. So, a writer”; he tried to be polite.
“Look, we don’t have to do that. I am not interested in anything that could result in something especially not since my grandma is totally capable of arranging a marriage without my consent”, Lia swatted his attempt of polite conversation.
“Well then, what do you propose we do? Because form where I am standing, and that quite literally, all eyes are on us”, came Liam’s retort.
“How about a dance?”, Lia smiled and dragged her all to willing partner onto the dance floor blatantly ignoring the beaming faces of both his parents and her grandparents. He held her close, maybe to close for society. Pressing her warm and pliant body against his. One dance turned into another, conversation flowed easily between the two until she suggested taking a walk in the gardens.
Not only did Liam spent the night dancing and talking to the beautiful girl, he made a point of taking Lia Hamilton out on more than one occasion spending thus in fact his entire three week holiday break with the one girl he tried to run form for most of his teenage years. They kissed, held hands, talked and had fun with friends, without them, and by the end of the Christmas vacation the playboy was a new kind of man feeling for the first time sorry to leave his childhood home.

Monday morning, Lily was waiting at their usual spot with two cups of coffee and some homemade Christmas cookies she’d promised to bring as consolation or comfort food after a horrible three weeks with his parents form hell. After half an hour she became slightly agitated. She was used to him being late. When the bell rang another 30 minutes later, Lily got up, threw the cookies in the litter and stalked back to her dorm room. She was furious. More so, because she hated the feeling of disappointment that crept up on her, the feeling of self-doubt and anxiety. She did not see Liam that day or the following day. Maybe he wasn’t back yet. Lily was in the library, a couple of days later, browsing through the shelves when she caught a glimpse of blond hair. Liam stood with his high society cronies next to Mme Price’s desk trying to convince the aging librarian to help them with their research.
So he was back. Why didn’t he at least call or even send smoke signs. Lily didn’t think of herself as the type of girl to chase after a guy. In fact at this very moment Lily didn’t even want to analyse the torrent of feelings currently whirling through her head. She liked Liam, thought of him as a friend and it hurt deeply that he could simply wipe it all away. Wasn’t that exactly what her friends warned her about? Lily had gotten used to the arrogant and sometimes very inconsiderate miscreant, she called a friend. Just like the coffee he liked, these musings left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth.
“Mr. Hamilton, I am very sorry but I don’t get paid nearly enough to do your homework”, overhearing Mme Prince’s harsh verdict, Lily forced her mind to focus on other more urgent matters. Her English essay was due in ten days and she still had a good bit of research to accomplish, before she was willing to hand it in.
The year had gone by. Lily had initially tried to contact Liam a couple of times but his roommates would always tell her he was not available at present. After the first brush off she got that nagging feeling somewhere behind her stomach that the friend she thought she had gained was not exactly what she had hoped he’d be. Maybe her initial instinct about the blond skirt-chaser of the year was correct after all. Maybe he got bored with her. Maybe her mother was right. Guys like Liam are not interested in girls like her. After the second and third time she decided his friends sounded like the lovely tape voice you get to here when “the person you are calling is not available at present”. Try again later! Around May she gave up, deciding there was some truth in the old adage anyway. With friends like these …
By the end of the school year everything was as it should be, as God and the holy temple of capitalism decreed it. Liam was back on the right side of the tracks. He had flown back and forth two more times. He had wanted to call Lily and tell her everything. He knew she would have loved to hear how great he finally got along with the family. The Christmas vacation had passed without a hitch. He even had a short but civil conversation with both his father and grandfather. Liam imagined his friend to congratulate him on his improved taste in women, she would tease him mercilessly for a while and then they would both laugh about it. However he didn’t. Liam got back to school in January and surrounded himself with his equals. They were comfortable; they knew him and his world. And he knew Lia Gilbert fit into his world, she was the perfect potential spouse for him and he despised and loved her for that. All the blonds he had dated where just that, bimbos with no brains. His family had banished him to Europe, where he was supposed to learn his come back an behave like the future CEO of Hamilton Publishing, find his perfect Melanie, get married and secure the royal succession. The problem was, why would he choose Melanie, when he found Scarlet so much more tempting. Lia was even better than Scarlet. So he didn’t contact Lily when he got back, had his friends come up with excuses when she called and avoided any possible meeting with her on campus. And by May Lily was not even a glib on his radar anymore.

He caught a glimpse at her at the graduation ceremony. All 158 of his classmates sat stock still in alphabetical order wearing identical crisp royal blue graduation gowns and matching caps waiting to receive their high school diploma and get on with their lives. The auditorium was packed with proud parents and family A Valediction forbidding mourning was written by the Renaissance poet John Donne. In the early 20th century Modernist writers like T.S. Eliot rediscovered his work, using the Metaphysical Poetry, featuring elaborate conceits, symbols that are cloaked in challenging structures and eccentric language conventions, as a source of inspiration for their own poetic creation like The Loves Song for J. Alfred Prufrock 1920) or The Wasteland (1922).friends. To Liam’s utter astonishment his own father sat next to his sister and girlfriend of almost seven months. After the boring speeches, the teachers and politicians came this year's valediction.  Liam had not expected her to climb the stage. His friend apparently the great-grand daughter of the famous German artist Alexander Bauer, stood on podium and quoted the last lines form one of her favourite poem, A Valediction forbidding Mourning. She was the first to receive her diploma. She was the first to get an award for extraordinary services rendered to the school; she was the first to leave the podium, the school grounds and his life. All the time he had not known he cared.

If you are interested in Metaphysical Poetry, there are various essays available online. 



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